


This is another book I posted to the gallery quite a while ago, but I never got around to making a post here on the main page.

Owen Jones (1809-1874) was a British architect, decorative artist, author and educator. Through his efforts to publish his findings on the historic use of colour in decoration, he also became one of the pioneers of chromolithography. He published many seminal and definitive works, including The Grammar of Ornament (1856), a highly influential book in ornamentation and decorative arts.

The borders alone make this illuminated book memorable, and the illustrations are wonderful too. These images come from a completely disbound and very discolored, spotted and darkened copy I came across. I had to do a lot of image enhancement after the initial scans, and while I have restored most of the luster there may be some distortion from the original shades. This is seen on some of the matched borders, which originally were identical but are now slightly different in some of the images.

In any case, the images and the borders could have a lot of uses, so feel free to download and use however you please.  These are all public domain as I did all the scanning and manipulation myself from a pre 1900 book.

For anyone who is interested I have the raw, unedited, full pages as a separate sub-album. They are larger (and very dirty and ragged), so not as useful for most purposes.

The images are all in the GALLERY.

Title: The History of Joseph and His Brethren
Author: The Bible
Artist: Owen Jones
Publisher: Day & Son
Date Published: 1869

Here are a few sample images.  As usual, each images links to the appropriate page in the gallery.  Be sure to go to the GALLERY to see them all.

Joseph dreams of wheat

Joseph dreams of wheat

Jacob told his son is dead

Jacob told his son is dead

Joseph pleases his master

Joseph pleases his master

Joseph interprets dreams

Joseph interprets dreams

Joseph weeps

Joseph weeps

Jacob with Ephraim and Manasseh

Jacob with Ephraim and Manasseh

Jacob's funeral procession

Jacob’s funeral procession



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